What Hand Does the Wedding Ring Go On?

At Jessica Flinn we aren't big fans of tradition, but there is no denying that it plays a part in how we all live. And like with every magical milestone in our lives, weddings come with a lot of expectations! 

The how, when, and where of wedding jewellery is one of the biggest marriage must-do’s (and it involves rings, so obviously it’s the best). So if you want to know which finger is the ring finger, and how to wear your fabulous wedding rings, you’ve come to the right place!

Which Finger is the Ring Finger?

Your ring finger is the fourth finger on your hand! Sitting between your middle and pinkie finger, it’s where forever rings live. This tradition comes from the ancient belief that a vein ran straight from your ring finger to your heart! It’s not actually true, but we love the romance of it.

Which Ring Finger is the Engagement Ring Finger?

Your engagement ring finger is the same as your wedding ring finger! Although some people may choose to wear the engagement ring on a different finger once they’re married, until then, both engagement and promise rings go on your fourth finger! 

What Hand Does the Marriage Ring Go On?

Your wedding ring hand is traditionally your left hand, but your wedding ring finger can be on the left or right hand! It mainly depends on where you're from. 

In the UK, the wedding ring goes on the left! It’s the same in the US, France, and Sweden! Eastern Europe tends to lean the other way. Hungary, Poland and Greece all wear their wedding rings on their right hands!

Which wedding ring finger you choose can be down to culture, comfort, or personal preference! If you’re marrying into a family who wears their rings on the opposite side, it can be a touching gesture to do the same!

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What Order to Wear Wedding Engagement and Eternity Rings

Unless you are already married, you’ve probably looked up which order you should wear your wedding rings! 

Wedding rings go on first, then your engagement ring. If you’ve got a stack of rings, perhaps including a promise or eternity ring (we’re jealous), these go on after your stunning engagement ring! 

Where to Wear Your Engagement Ring on Your Wedding Day

Your wedding ring always goes on your hand first, but you don't want to be messing about mid-vows taking your engagement ring on and off! So where do you put your gorgeous engagement ring while your wedding ring finger is occupied? 

Some nearlyweds put their engagement ring to one side, and then put it back on when the ceremony is over. We don't know about you, but at Jessica Flinn we are pretty attached to our rings, and taking off our statement sparkle even for an hour is a hard task! 

Instead, you could wear your engagement ring on your opposite ring finger for the ceremony! That way your engagement ring finger has just swapped sides.

How to Check Your Ring Size?

Before you even think about buying your wedding ring, you need to know how to check your ring size!

Our ring size guide will walk you through sizing steps, but if you’d like to be extra sure, you can book an appointment in our showroom! One of our experts will assess your size, and can advise on your desired fit. Because everyone likes their rings to fit differently! 

You can also order one of our ring sizers and check your wedding ring size from the comfort of your own home.

Find the Perfect Wedding Ring for Your Forever Finger

If you’re ready to choose your forever ring, you can book an appointment or browse our wedding ring collection! We may embrace wedding traditions, but our wedding rings are far from traditional. 

If you’re not ready to decide on your one of a kind wedding ring, you can check out our wedding ring price guide, or wedding rings 101 for more advice!

In the Jessica Flinn Showroom

At Jessica Flinn, we pride ourselves on creating a friendly atmosphere where all are welcome. If you book an in person appointment with us you will be welcomed into our beautiful showroom with a beverage of your choice, whether its a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne, we're here to make your appointment as memorable as possible. One of our experts will then guide you through the ring choosing or designing journey and make sure you leave with a ring you absolutely adore!

Book an appointment today and start your journey.