Lab Grown Diamonds

Also known as lab-created or synthetic diamonds, lab grown diamonds are an often misunderstood gemstone. Let's delve into their creation process, understand what sets them apart, and explore why and how their efficient production leads to a significantly lower cost compared to natural diamonds.


Lab Grown Diamonds

Also known as lab-created or synthetic diamonds, lab grown diamonds are an often misunderstood gemstone. Let's delve into their creation process, understand what sets them apart, and explore why and how their efficient production leads to a significantly lower cost compared to natural diamonds.


The 4 C's: Cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight, collectively known as the 4 Cs, serve as the essential parameters for determining the quality and value of a diamond.

GIA CERTIFIED: A GIA certified diamond is a gem that has undergone evaluation by the Gemological Institute of America, ensuring its quality based on cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight.

Synthetic, laboratory grown, laboratory created, man-made, or cultured diamond: Lab grown diamond 

MOHS Scale:  This tells us the Hardness (or strength) of a gemstone. Diamonds are the Hardest!

Heat Treating: The act of applying heat to a stone, bringing it to near-melting point to improve colour or clarity. 

Inclusions: An inclusion is a cavity or crystal cluster within a gemstone. These can cause problems if they form too close to the surface, and their presence will often decide the value of a stone.

What is a Lab Grown Diamond?

Laboratory grown diamonds are precious gemstones cultured in a laboratory, where they undergo an accelerated diamond creation process that mimics millions of years of natural formation. This innovative approach not only results in a more environmentally conscious option but also offers a more affordable alternative to traditionally mined diamonds.

Lab Grown Diamonds vs Natural Diamonds

Lab made diamonds share identical physical, chemical, and visual properties with natural diamonds. The sole distinction lies in their origin, as one is cultivated in a laboratory setting, while mined diamonds undergo a natural formation process in the Earth over millions of years. Find our more in our full guide on the differences between lab grown and natural diamonds.

Lab Grown Diamond Value

The value of lab-grown diamonds is determined by various factors including their quality, size, colour, clarity, and cut, similar to natural diamonds. Generally, lab-grown diamonds are priced at a lower cost compared to natural diamonds of similar characteristics, as they do not require mining and come with a reduced environmental impact. Our lab grown vs natural diamond price guide explores these differences in more detail.

"lab diamonds have experienced a tremendous surge in popularity, drawing interest due to their reduced environmental impact and appealing price point"


How Lab Diamonds Are Made

Time to get scientific! Lab grown diamonds are made using two primary methods: High Pressure, High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD). HPHT uses extreme pressure and temperature to replicate the conditions of the Earth's mantle, where natural diamonds are formed. CVD involves using a gas mixture to deposit carbon atoms onto a substrate, which gradually builds up a diamond crystal. Our full guide: 'how are lab grown diamonds made' answers everything you need to know about this fascinating process.

Lab Diamond Hardness

Lab-grown diamonds have the same exceptional hardness as natural diamonds, ranking as a 10 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness! This unparalleled hardness makes lab-grown diamonds an ideal choice for everyday wear, as they are highly resistant to scratches and abrasions. 

Whether adorning an engagement ring, pendant, or pair of earrings, lab-grown diamonds offer durability and longevity that ensure they retain their brilliance and beauty for generations to come. Additionally, their hardness makes them suitable for various settings and styles.

The Mohs scale of mineral hardness is a scale used to measure the scratch resistance of various minerals. It assigns a relative hardness value to minerals based on their ability to scratch or be scratched by other minerals. With 10 being the hardest (diamond).


Ready to Find the Ethical Diamond of Your Dreams?

At Jessica Flinn, we are strong proponents of a more environmentally conscious jewellery industry. This is why we are enthusiastic about working with synthetic diamonds, providing all the brilliance with a reduced carbon footprint.

The added benefits of a smaller price tag allows us to collaborate with you in bringing your dream ring to life, regardless of how elaborate it might be! Book an appointment with one of our team members today and find your perfect ring.

Caring for Your Lab Grown Diamond

Caring for lab-grown diamonds involves regular cleaning with mild soap and water, avoiding harsh chemicals or abrasive cleaners, storing them separately to prevent scratching, and professional inspections to ensure settings remain secure and diamonds are in good condition. You can book in a refresh with us if you feel like your ring needs a bit of TLC.

Lab Diamond Colours

White lab diamonds come in a spectrum of shades, offering a diverse array of choices for consumers seeking ethical and sustainable alternatives to traditional mined diamonds. These lab-grown diamonds can exhibit variations in tone and hue, ranging from a bright, icy white to a warmer, creamier undertone. The colour grading scale, commonly used for diamonds, categorises these shades on a scale from D (colourless) to Z (light yellow or brown). Lab diamonds in the D to F range are virtually indistinguishable from their mined counterparts, boasting a brilliant, pure white appearance.

Lab Diamond Sustainability

Choosing lab-grown diamonds over mined ones offers significant environmental benefits, with the creation process being less energy-intensive and avoiding extensive land disturbance. Unlike traditional diamond mining, which contributes to deforestation and water pollution, lab-grown diamonds have a smaller carbon footprint and reduce the strain on local water sources. If you would like to read more on how we can be more eco-conscious in the jewellery industry, you can do so here.

Lab Grown Diamond Ring Inspiration

Sale Off
Design Your Own Engagement Ring

Where to Buy Lab Grown Diamonds in the UK

Look no further! If you're in search of the ideal destination to acquire lab-grown diamonds, we are delighted to help you in finding the perfect gem. The process of purchasing precious gemstones can be intricate, and we recognise that it can be overwhelming. That's why our Sales and Design Team is readily available for contact via phone calls, WhatsApp, email, or social media. We're here to address any inquiries you may have regarding lab-grown diamonds.

At Jessica Flinn, we are strong proponents of a more environmentally conscious jewellery industry. This is why we are enthusiastic about working with synthetic diamonds, providing all the brilliance with a reduced carbon footprint. The added benefit of a smaller price tag allows us to collaborate with you in bringing your dream ring to life, regardless of how elaborate it might be! Book an appointment with one of our team members today and find your perfect ring.

Things to Consider When Selecting a Laboratory Grown Diamond

1. Understand the 4 Cs

Familiarise yourself with the four essential characteristics of diamonds: Cut, Colour, Clarity, and Carat weight. While lab-grown diamonds share these characteristics with natural diamonds, each factor contributes to the overall appearance and value of the stone. Our guide on the 4 Cs goes into comprehensive detail on how these factors affect a diamonds overall quality and cost.

2. Determine Your Budget

Set a clear budget for your engagement ring. Lab-grown diamonds are often more affordable than their natural counterparts, but prices can still vary. Having a budget in mind will help you narrow down your options and find the best value for your investment.

3. Consider Diamond Shapes and Styles

Explore various diamond shapes and ring styles to find what resonates with your preferences and fits your lifestyle. Lab-grown diamonds are available in a range of shapes, from classic round to trendy princess cuts. Additionally, think about the setting and design that will best showcase the diamond while aligning with your personal taste.

4. Choose the Right Colour

Lab-grown diamonds come in a variety of colours. While most are nearly colourless, some may have a slight tint. Consider your preferences and how the diamond's colour complements the metal of the engagement ring. Keep in mind that colour differences may not be easily visible to the naked eye.

5. Environmental and Ethical Factors

Research the environmental and ethical practices of the lab-grown diamond producer. Many individuals choose lab-grown diamonds for their eco-friendly and conflict-free attributes. Ensure that the retailer follows ethical sourcing. If you're buying your diamond from Jessica Flinn, you can be assured that all our synthetic diamonds have been created in the most environmentally friendly and ethical way possible. Read all about our suppliers here. 

Lab Grown Diamond FAQs

Are lab diamonds more ethical?

It's complicated. Lab diamonds are more eco friendly, meaning you can rest easy knowing your synthetic diamond has less of a carbon footprint. But it's important to note that the ethicality of a lab grown diamond rests on where and by who it was created and the practices that they use. 

From March 2022, all our new pieces and gemstones include additional information. We will tell you it's country of origin and assign it an ethical score from 1-3. Read our Ethical Pledge to learn more about how we operate on an ethical level.

Are lab diamonds expensive?

Man-made diamonds are significantly less expensive than mined diamonds. The difference in price is staggering, with lab grown diamonds being up to 85% cheaper than their natural counterparts! 

Will lab diamonds hold their value?

Being a relatively recent addition to the market, the future price of lab diamonds is uncertain. Whether lab diamonds will witness a reduction in cost in the future remains unclear. The potential for the value gap between lab-grown diamonds and natural diamonds to widen or narrow is still undetermined as the market continues to evolve.

What's the difference between synthetic and natural diamonds?

Lab-created diamonds are cultivated in controlled environments, whereas natural diamonds originate organically in the Earth's mantle. In terms of their chemical, physical, and optical properties, they are indistinguishable from natural diamonds, possessing identical hardness, brilliance, and fire.

Can lab diamonds be GIA certified?

Absolutely! While slightly less common than for mined diamonds, laboratory grown diamonds have been certified by the GIA since 2007. Every diamond at Jessica Flinn, whether it's lab grown or mined, carries either GIA or IGI certification, guaranteeing that they meet both our quality standards and yours.

Is a lab grown diamond a real diamond?

Lab grown diamonds are absolutely real diamonds! The only difference is the way they're made, but looks wise and composition wise, they're exactly the same as a mined diamond.

Are lab diamonds the same hardness as natural diamonds?

Yep! Just like mined diamonds, lab diamonds score 10 on the Moh's scale.

Can a jeweller tell if a diamond is lab grown?

In order for a jeweller to tell whether a diamond is lab grown or natural it would most likely have to be sent to a laboratory for testing. On visuals alone, it would be almost impossible for any jeweller, no matter how experienced, to tell the difference.

Do lab diamonds scratch easily?

Lab-grown diamonds have the same exceptional hardness as natural diamonds and are highly resistant to scratching, making them durable for everyday wear.

Are lab diamonds cubic zirconia?

No, lab-grown diamonds are not the same as cubic zirconia. Lab-grown diamonds are made of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal structure identical to natural diamonds, while cubic zirconia is a synthetic crystalline substance made of zirconium dioxide and lacks the same chemical and physical properties as diamonds.