ten facts about alexandrite 

4th January 2024
Maddy Bradley-Few

At Jessica Flinn, we're passionate about celebrating individuality through unique gemstones, and one particular favourite steals the spotlight – alexandrite. Join us as we delve into the realm of this extraordinary gemstone, exploring ten fascinating facts that solidify alexandrite's status as one of our cherished favourites at Jessica Flinn...

1. The colour changing marvel

Alexandrites are gemstones that defy the ordinary with their mesmerising colour-changing properties. By day, they exhibit a vibrant teal hue, only to transform into a rich purplish-red under the soft glow of incandescent light. So if you're thinking of choosing an alexandrite engagement ring, their fantastic colour-changing abilities make them the ultimate pick for jewellery you'll be wearing regularly, ensuring you enjoy its magic to the fullest!

2. Rarity adds to value

Alexandrite, celebrated for its rarity, holds high value. It's optical properties, rarity and the fact that it's so sought-after means it's one of the more valuable gemstones, making it a great choice if you're looking for an investment piece.  Alexandrite jewellery will most likely retain its value and could even increase over time!

3. Global origins

Originally discovered in Russia's Ural Mountains, alexandrite has since been sourced in many countries such as Sri Lanka, Brazil, Zimbabwe, India and Madagascar! When sourcing our gemstones at Jessica Flinn, we always aim to operate on an ethical level, you can read more about our suppliers and how we put our values at the forefront of our gemstone sourcing here.

4. Lab grown alexandrite 

Lab grown alexandrite, also known as synthetic alexandrite or created alexandrite, is made in a laboratory. The natural conditions where alexandrite forms is mimicked, so they have completely the same composition and visual appeal.

The positives of opting for a laboratory grown alexandrite is that you can be sure of it's origin and know that it has been made in ethical conditions. Another plus is that lab synthetic alexandrites allow for more control over the colour and tones of the gemstone, so you can be sure that you get the perfect gemstone for you!

5. Dazzling Birthstone

For those born in June, alexandrite takes centre stage as the month's birthstone. Symbolising good fortune, love, and self-esteem, this gem is more than just a piece of jewellery; it's a celebration of life!

6. Tough beauty

Boasting a hardness level of 8.5 on the Mohs scale, alexandrite isn't just a visual delight but it's also very durable! Alexandrite's durability makes it a perfect choice for every day wear as it wont scratch or damage easily, meaning it's ideal for an engagement ring! Take a look at our collection of alexandrite engagement rings here.

7. Fit for royalty

Alexander II had Alexandrites named after him as they were discovered on his birthday, they're a gemstone truly fit for royalty!

8. Size matters

Alexandrites are one of the rarer gemstones, so it's no surprise that finding a large natural stone is a hard task! The largest alexandrite ever found weighs in at 65.7 carats and was found in Sri Lanka.

9. Historical Mystery

Despite its relatively recent discovery in the 19th century, the history of alexandrite remains shrouded in mystery. The gem's origins in countries like Brazil and Sri Lanka adds an element of intrigue to these gems, so if you're looking for a stone with a bit of mystery and a cool back story, then alexandrite is the one for you!

10. Cats eye alexandrite

There is a variation of alexandrite called cats eye alexandrite, this is caused by needle-like inclusions that create a captivating light reflection resembling a feline eye. As you can imagine, this variation of the gemstone is even more rare than regular alexandrite!

So, alexandrites are not merely gemstones; they're a symphony of rarity, beauty, and history. Let this enchanting gemstone weave its magic into your world...