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Jessica Flinn Fine Jewellery Introduces Barbie-themed Collection

We’re all Barbie girls, in a Barbie world, there’s no denying it. To celebrate the long awaited release of Barbie in July, we just couldn’t resist creating Barbie-fied versions of our new Dopamine collection!

From peachy-pink to hot cherry-pink, if you’re looking for a ring that’s pretty in pink, your search stops here. All custom made-to-order designs, our team can source the gemstone of your Barbie dreamland.

So, without further ado, let’s talk all things pink!

pink sapphires

Georgia, Elsa and Juno have all had a makeover any Barbie would be proud of, and re-imagined with delicious pink sapphires. From vivid fuschia to delicate pale pinks, you’re sure to find a gemstone to make Kens and Barbies alike feel green with envy.

Pink Sapphires range in colour from delicate, pale pinks to vivid, near-red hues, and can be found in Sri Lanka, Myanmar and East Africa. Similar to Ruby, Pink Sapphires are given their colour by the presence of chromium when they are growing within the earth. Sapphires are a fantastic choice for a ring you want to wear every day. They are scored 9 on the MOHs scale of hardness, making them perfect for engagement rings, or a right-hand ring because you deserve it!

padparadscha sapphires

They say life in plastic is fantastic, but here at Jessica Flinn HQ we say life in Padparadscha is fantastic! These stunning sapphires are extremely rare, and they’re so special they are the only sapphire to have their own unique name! They are a gorgeous pink-orange hue, and the name Padparadscha derives from a Sri Lankan word meaning ‘lotus blossom’. They are also exclusively mined in Sri Lanka.

pink & red tourmalines

Cordelia features a stunning Emerald Cut Pink Tourmaline, and is giving us Art Deco slay all day! Surrounded by a graduated halo of round brilliant cut diamonds and dainty pear shaped diamonds, Cordelia is the perfect ring for anyone wanting to turn heads.

Pink or Red Tourmalines, also known as Rubellite, are a wonderful alternative to Pink Sapphires or Rubies if you’re looking for a more budget-friendly Barbie-esque pink gemstone. Although softer than Sapphire, Tourmaline stands at 7.5 on the MOHs scale, and therefore can be worn daily with a bit of extra care. Now for a bonus Tourmaline! Watermelon Tourmaline is not JUST a stunning pink colour, but as the name suggests, it is a bi-colour gemstone with both pink AND green. A gorgeous combination, enough to make your mouth water, and dazzle a crowd in all its unique glory.


Ruby is a well known gemstone that has been sought after since well before Barbie was born. It ranges in colour from cherry-red to deep, pillarbox reds and even fuchsia pinks. The range of colours found in Ruby is down to the presence of chromium and iron during its formation. The most prized Rubies are mined in Myanmar, formally known as Burma, however Rubies can be found in Thailand, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Vietnam and more. Fun fact time! Ruby is part of the corundum family, and is anatomically identical to sapphire, it’s just red! Sapphire encompasses all colours of corundum gemstones, apart from red. Ruby is also a fantastic choice for an engagement ring, or a ‘just because’ ring that you want to wear all the time! It is second only to diamond when it comes to hardness, with a score of 9 on the MOHs scale. This makes it suitable to wear daily, and is more hardwearing than softer gemstones.


Morganite is the sister of Emerald and Aquamarine, and their mum is called Beryl. (Only joking, all of these stunning gemstones are part of the Beryl family of gemstones!) Morganite ranges in colour from pink to rose, to peach and even violet hues. These stunning colours are all down to the presence of Manganese when the gemstone is being formed underground. Morganite has a rather unusual reason behind its name - it’s actually named after banker and gem enthusiast, JP Morgan! Morganite, like Tourmaline, ranks at 7.5 on the MOHs scale of hardness, making it suitable for daily wear if you treat this delicate gemstone nicely. It’s also a really budget-friendly gemstone if your purse strings can’t quite stretch to a sapphire.

We cannot WAIT to finally see Barbie & Ken come to life, and there’s no doubt Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling will do them justice. We’re also really excited to see a more inclusive, diverse group of Barbies introduced to the world!

If these Barbie-licious pink gemstones are tickling your fancy, get in touch with our team via email on! You can’t brush their hair or dress them everywhere like your favourite Barbie, but they’ll guide you in your journey to the perfect pink showstopper!