Ditching Tradition - doing valentines differently

We like to do things our own way at Jessica Flinn, and Valentines Day is no different. Whether you're in a long-term relationship or not, everyone can celebrate Valentines Day, and here are our top tips for how to break tradition in 2023.

buy yourself an engagement ring

Who says you need to wait for your partner to buy you an engagement ring? Celebrate yourself by purchasing the right hand ring you've always had your eye on, or design something bespoke to cherish forever and create your own heirloom.

Want to involve your partner? Share the once-in-a-lifetime experience of buying an engagement ring with them. The tradition of one partner buying an engagement ring for the other isn't for everyone - your engagement journey is special, so make sure you do it your own way.

Have a no pressure proposal

Getting engaged is all about celebrating love, and it can be a lot of pressure to plan elaborate grand gestures when it comes to proposals.

Proposals are moments that you'll remember forever, but that doesn't mean you have to agonise over when and where it should be, or even that it's perfect. Your partner will love whatever you do!

Making your proposal unique and special could mean picking your favourite picnic spot, proposing in your pyjamas at home, or on your favourite dog walking trail. It could also mean taking your partner on their bucket list holiday, or proposing in front of the Eiffel tower like they've always dreamed of. The most important thing is to celebrate your love, in whatever way you choose.

Say no to gender stereotypes

Here at Jessica Flinn, we say throw gender stereotypes out the window! Love is love, and should be celebrated all year round and in every way. We love our LGBTQIA+ customers and our heterosexual customers all the same, and you should feel empowered to propose to your partner even if it's not the 'traditional' way!

Here's the gorgeous ring 'S' designed for her partner. Lockdown was a real struggle for the couple, but she knew he was the one, and didn't stick to gender norms when it came to proposing. And why should she?!

Here's to breaking traditions in 2023!

Are you feeling the love?